Email Marketing | Elogia

Email Marketing

Relational Marketing
Email Marketing remains the most effective online channel for getting sales since it starts with an advantage: the user has agreed to have a relationship with your company and wants to receive your commercial emails. But even so, these mails should be relevant to the user. Our mission: to execute the perfect strategy that meets your goals.

Our experience by sending emails since 1999 allows us to identify the key points for effective newsletters and emails. By means of a correct execution of your communications, the objectives of your relational channel with your customers will sky-rocket. Our team is an expert in the implementation and execution of personalized Email Marketing deliveries based on your target audience.

Are you interested in our services for Email Marketing?

We have an expert team in defining and implementing communication strategies of Email Marketing for different brands, from mass consumption to distribution, but especially for ecommerce. We work with leading market technologies such as Marketing Cloud de Salesforce, Selligent, Mittum o Experian Marketing Suite.

What our clients say about us – Raquel Folch

“As a brand we do know the goals and challenges we face – it is the utmost perfect execution we sometimes lack. The Elogia team has tagged along us with the ongoing work of implementign our digital strategy in a complex and restrictive market such as the pharmaceutical sector. Steady steps, consistency and – above all – enthusiasm about growing our brands working with a strong team”

Raquel Folch Brand Manager at Zambon

Noticias Sobre Email Marketing