Munreco | Elogia


Viceroy, Mark Maddox y Sandoz

+94.000 more followers

+208.000 interactions in 2015

+20MM reached impressions


Grupo Munreco is the commercial firm that embraces three of some of the most nationally well-known brands in the watchmaking and jewellery sectors, we are talking about Viceroy, watchmaking and jewellery, and Mark Maddox and Sandoz.

Our partnership with Grupo Munreco started in 2012 with us working as their digital marketing agency to settle the digital identity of the three brands in social networks. Activity has been growing over the years and together we have developed different initiatives and we have been working in order to enhance brand’s communication in the online world.


The most outstanding case is Viceroy, one of the leading brands in Spain, if we talk about watches and jewels. Over the years, we have been working hand-in-hand to reach the goal of creating a solid and loyal community. We have lived lots of changes, between them the change of the last brand’s ambassador, Fernando Alonso, F1 pilot who liaised with Viceroy and was the mirror image of his sportive and urban character. The current ambassadress is Penelope Cruz, Spanish actress who liaised with Viceroy to bestow the brand with glamour and elegance and to boost their jewellery’s line. We also have taken part in their last rebranding through the television campaign “Es lo que soy”, in which one Viceroy focus their attention in people where the important thing is not “having” but “being”.

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Mark Maddox is a watch company directed to young audience with modern and cosmopolitan designs. We have been actively working over the years. An example is the last campaign settled with Mediaset, through Divinity and Cambiame the TV programme. In this campaign, the programme reinforced the brand’s position as a fashion complement; we have supported the campaign from the online world.